20 January 2014

Long Time No Post

Hadn't meant to leave it this long, but its amazing how time runs away, so a bit of a catch up.  First of all thank you to those who commented on my last post and thoughts on my blogging anniversary.

Friday before last I went to sewing class where we made some silk paper for a landscape which will be worked on in further classes.  I had found a photo to work from and had that photocopied enlarged from A4 to A3 size, which was one I took from our Cornwall holiday back in September.

As you can see a lot of green and blue and hiding just to the left of the dark blue is some grey which will give me the basis of the landscape.  Lets see how it goes....

Saturday saw my Mum and I going to Cherry Tree Fabrics (local Quilt shop) for sale bargains in which we both bought quite a bit of fabric (not that I needed it of course).  Low key stuff for me, tone-on-tone black and also white fabric, some yellows (haven't got much yellow in my stash) and some plain aqua fabrics.

This last Friday was my first 'free' Friday off, nothing planned, so went into Poole and saw this in Primark
Rather liked this postcard tea towel and at just a £1 it was asking to be bought.  I thought it was appropriate with my postcard making.  Back home in the afternoon I did some sewing and made this
Not quite a postcard but a holder for coupons. They usually get hidden in my purse and by the time they are found are usually expired.  Made like a postcard, i.e. front and back fabrics are bonded onto pelmet Vilene and another smaller piece in front made in the same way and stitched together to form a pocket. Above is the front,
 The back
And with coupons

I made another for a Mug Rug swap that I've joined. This will go to the recipient as a little something extra.

This is the swap I'll be taking part in.  I've made one already!

 Olympic Mug Rug Swap

So I've not been idle!

07 January 2014

Blog 7th Anniversary

No pictures, just words.

Today is the 7th anniversary of writing my blog.  I first started this blog to write my weekly entries for Take a Stitch Tuesday, which was (and I think still is) run by Sharon Boggon on her blog, PIn Tangle.  I learnt quite a few embroidery stitches, using my collection of variegated threads and was able to use some of the samples in postcards.  As you will have seen from my blog posts I have made a lot of postcards over the years!

I didn't think I would keep this going, seeing as I would have a diary at the beginning of the year and it would still be empty at the end of the year.  What I do like about keeping a blog is some of the feedback that I get to posts and also following other blogs getting inspiration to try different quilting techniques.

Over the years its followed me from Poole to Yorkshire and back again, seen my family expand from one grandchild to four, various excursions home and abroad.  The blog had bought about contact with Janet and Barnsley Creative Embroiderers when I was Up North, which was so helpful in trying to get to know the area.  I've also made friends with fellow bloggers Lis, Bente, Quilt Sue, Julie and all my followers not only on Google but now on Bloglovin too.

I've enjoyed taking part of challenges and swaps through blogging too.  Another Little Qiilt swap run by Kate is one, and this Christmas took part in the Christmas stocking swap.  A mug rug swap has just started on Quilting bloggers which I'll take part in. The beginning of last year along with other bloggers I made quite a few scrappy Trip Around the Worl blocks.

I may not be as prolific a sewer as some, as I've always had to fit sewing around husband, family, work, but I am lucky that I do have a sewing space.  I enjoy writing a blog as an extension of my sewing experience and hope to continue to do so.

05 January 2014

Ain't Misbehavin', (unlike the weather)

This weekend is American Football Wildcard Weekend playoffs so Saturday and Sunday evenings David has been glued to the TV. So last nights late game was recorded and watched this morning and probably tonight's late game will be watched tomorrow. The weather is dire, there are floods in a lot of towns locally as the River Stour has burst its banks and the wind and rain shows no signs of getting any better, but luckily we are not effected by flooding (touch wood).

So it's been the perfect weekend for sewing. Carrying on from the blocks I first started on New Years Day I now have a tally of 13 blocks plus my first one where I thought I should swap blocks and colours around and looks as though I lost it. All the blocks are 8.5" square.

My apologies for the colour choices I was grabbing anything I had complete fat quarters for. It's amazing how in my stash I cut into fabrics so I don't have complete fat quarters

This is the first block

A bit bonkers isn't it

Got a bit better as I went along

I still have quite a few triangles left, though wish the cutting plan had more small squares which would have been useful so I cut some more from spare fabric. This project has kept me busy on New Years Day, yesterday's sewing afternoon at Wimborne and today.

I read a few blogs last night and came across Sarah from Sew Me -
who wrote about the Blessed Bee and clear instructions for making a Greek Cross block, 12.5" square. So I had to have a go at that.

Not a bad weekends bit of sewing.

Sue W- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

01 January 2014

New Year Sewing

How did your Christmas holiday go? Ours was quite busy with travel (and Christmas dinner) in Bristol with Sarah, bought her with us back to Poole.  On Boxing Day joining our sons with their families for a get together.  The few days after my brother in law and sister in law stayed.  Then back to work on Tuesday, so a busy few days.  We managed to visit Corfe Castle on Saturday and not surprisingly it rained.

From the castle a good view down to the village and a steam train from Swanage.
And after lunch a ride on the train down to Swanage.  In spite of the weather there were quite a few people on the beach and the promenade, though the sea looked really choppy.
This was in Swanage station, it's called Manston, one of the Battle of Britain class locos.

This diesel loco was at Corfe Castle station, a narrower than normal engine as it was used on the Hastings line. It was a good day out.

So for New Year

The weather remained grim, so as it was a day off there was only one thing to do - sew!

I intend to look forward so a new project for me is to make a fat quarter quilt.  In the summer I won this book in a raffle and at the time said that I kept picking it up to read. It has a grid system for cutting out different sized squares from layers of fat quarters, some of which are re-cut into half or quarter square triangles. I used 7 fat quarters and so far I've made 6 x 8.5" blocks. Please excuse the picture which was taken this evening, though bad light all day wouldn't have been conducive for good photos.  It was fun putting the various combinations together and happily sewing away while listening to the radio.

I still have plenty of pieces to make more blocks and have put the different sizes into bags ready for a sewing afternoon on Saturday.

I haven't posted these before, so here are the Christmas postcards that I received before they get taken down when the decorations are dismantled this weekend.

As ever a wonderful selection of cards and so varied in techniques.  This may have been the last swap for a while as I want to give postcard making a rest for a while and change to doing other things.

As its the first of the month, though a little late in the day I'm linking up with Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day here

Lily's Quilts

Happy New Year

A bit grim for a holiday day. Things can only get better.

Have a good one, whatever you do.

          Happy New Year

Sue W- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad