This Christmas Day was spent with my daughter-in-law Carly's family, with a lovely lunch and it was nice to catch up with them all.

Our daughter in law, Carly, has a professional camera and at my request took a photo of the (grown up) children here
And the five of us here, which is a rare sight. It's taken until Christmas to get all of us together.
Sophie go her own back on Carly, taking a photo of the photographer
Boxing Day itself was a quiet day but we managed to go out to a very cold and windy Canford Cliffs beach, walking down towards Sandbanks. There were a lot of people walking off the Christmas excesses and children trying out new bikes or scooters on the prom. The weather must have been just right for the sailors going out in their yachts. I took a photo with my phone and you can just about make out 3 yachts out at sea.
Just before Christmas I also sent out a birthday postcard in the last birthday swap of the year to Rosemary.
The theme she chose was water and I was a bit stumped with this one until I found some blue batik fabric with circles with gave the impression of puddles. I used some Angelina fibre and organza and free machines with spirals to give the effect of ripples in the water. Not sure if convincing or not at the time but looking at the photo above it looks pretty much how I wanted it to look.
With tomorrow being New Year's Eve I'll post with a review of the past year. See you soon.