01 February 2019

January Round Up

It's now February!
January seems to have lasted an age - being a cold, dark month - but there were one or two bright days and on Monday went with other TG ladies for a walk around our local country park, which was really lovely.  Contrast with today which is snowy and cold.  No snowy pics here as the its not very impressive (go back to posts at the end of 2010 to see more impressive snow when we lived up North!!).

Anyway because there's been more time indoors than out I've managed to get quite a bit done on the sewing and knitting.

I finished off this...

 Carry all caddy (more about that on my last post)

And this...
Dazzling Diamonds quilt.  That pic was when I'd put the binding on.  As I'm hibernating indoors today that's now been slipstitched down.  I will make a sleeve to put on the back for hanging.

So that's 2 finished items on my Finish A Long list.

Started and finished items...

 An EPP journal size quilt

And a Zip Up Tray pouch.

I've also made some blocks for the Siblings Together Bee - some Wonky Cross blocks in assorted sizes from 4.5" to 8.5"

On the knitting from I've made 3 pairs of fingerless mitts

 Above is my first attempt, knitting straight across the fingers.  This was a pattern by Nicolette Kernohan.  These were for David but he wanted 'half fingers' so another pair were made, see pic below.  Both pairs were made with the same yarn but photos are taken in different light.

I enjoyed making the gloves so I made a pair for myself.  That small ball of yarn is all I had left after making these. The pattern is by Paula McKeever and called Fingerless or Not Gloves.  Both the fingerless glove patterns are free to download from Ravelry

I've now started making myself a jumper.  It's been a long time since I made one and this one is a bit different as its a top down, all in one jumper

As you can see I've started from the neck and done some ribbing and well progressed with the raglan shaping.  Soon to do the scary bit of splitting off the stitches onto waste yarn for the sleeves while the body is knitted.  The yarn is Drops Air from the Wool Warehouse and the pattern is a free one from Drops which is called Winter Wine

I try to keep my Ravelry page updated, when I remember, but I keep forgetting! So you can have a look at my projects page here.

I follow other blogs on Bloglovin' including Archie The Wonder Dog, who not only has revived her blog but also started a monthly round up of blogs called Mini Archie's Furtle Around the Blogosphere.  This is a bit like Fresh Sewing Day that Lily's Quilts used to run each month which I joined in with from time to time, which finished a few years back.  So I'm going to link this post to the Furtle Around and hope you will have a look at other blogs Furtle-ing Around too!

Archie The Wonder Dog

So that was January.  I'm hoping that February will be more progress on the above jumper.  Being February is Valentine's month I am hoping to layer up and start quilting the Hearts quilt which is on my Finish A Long list this quarter.

Mid month for the first time I will be going to a Fibre Festival - Unravel at Farnham Maltings.  I will be going on the Saturday and really looking forward to it as there aren't many yarn exhibitions in the South.


  1. Goodness I feel exhausting looking at everything you completed in January. I'm doing a top down jumper, never done one before, but mine you pick up the stitches for the sleeves and it has baffled me so its gone to one side for a while.
    The comment box wont let me add my blog link in case you want to find me so its threadsnpins@wordpress.com

  2. Lovely to read your blog Sue.

  3. Oh, wow, what a gorgeous month you've had! Those fingerless mitts (Scrooge mitts) look amazing and I adore your carry-all caddy - I'm off to read more about it! Thank you very much for linking up and spreading the word about furtling! *waves pompoms*

  4. Very productive Sue! And I do love your sew urchin!!

  5. That's a lot of work for one month, well done! I love those fingerless gloves, I could do with a pair for driving to work on these cold, frosty mornings.

  6. You've had a very productive month. I love your gloves :)

  7. A large array of projects, you have been busy! Personally, I like it that you have some FAL finishes in there, too, it feels good to finish projects, doesn't it?!

  8. You have been busy Sue! I love your Carry All Caddy - must read your post on that - and your fingerless gloves. When I was little they were all the rage for a couple of years and we called them Fagan Gloves, but I never hear that phrase now. Perhaps its not PC or something? Hope you have a productive February too!


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