24 April 2024

Holiday in the Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡± Part 2

 In the last post we got as far as the Kinderdijk windmills, after which the ship sailed towards Amsterdam for the excursion to Keukenhof Gardens. The site is only open for 6 - 8 weeks and on the Sunday morning of our visit we had an early start and the gardens got busier and busier by the time we left on our coach around midday. It is well organised with coach and car parks, even a cycle parks.  There are going to be lots of photos.

Theses tulips with multiple petals are called Ice Cream varieties, but these look almost like peonies.
There were still daffodils and grape hyacinths in flower.

The above photos were all outside and the weather was lovely and warm.  After exploring the gardens we went into the indoor spaces. The Willem-Alexander greenhouse had new species of tulips and other plants, such as Kalenchoe (sorry think that’s how it’s spelt) and Amaryllis.

And we went to the Orchid house, which was really busy.

Then back outside from which we could see the tulip fields

Try playing ‘Tulips from Amsterdam’? 
And a kind tourist took a photo of us both.

It was a lovely morning followed by a canal cruise in the afternoon, which I didn’t take photos of.  There will be more in the Amsterdam which will follow next.

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