30 April 2024

Holiday to The Netherlands 🇳🇱 - Part 4

 A round up of our holiday. The day we left we went out for the morning to another shopping area near The Palace Square. We checked out of the hotel after having had a lovely English  Breakfast in a nearby coffee shop, which was really small but packed in a lot of people.

We found a reminder of home, with the smell, then sight of Lush (Lush has several production units in Poole). A few doors away was a Lego store.

The Laughing Cavalier and Starry Night
Along with Van Gogh’s self portrait
M C Escher’s Infinite Staircase
As well as Vermeer’s Girl With A Pearl Earring
A close up of the frame with different shades of yellow Lego bricks.  The pieces were artworks in themselves with thousands of bricks used. Each turn in the shop had something that made you think ‘How on earth did they do that?’.

After a wander round we headed back to the hotel to await our taxi to the airport,  but I took the last few pictures of the hotel we stayed in. The gorgeous lights and grand chandelier with the elaborate French Style clock (which wasn’t working at the time and not sure if it does).

Then our flight back to Southampton and home.

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