06 January 2015

Slowly Getting Back to Sewing

It's the start of a working week after the Christmas holidays and I thought I would show you a belated present to my friend Brenda, this little quilted box for putting bits and bobs in. This was made well before the holidays but couldn't show before now.
Here's a photo of what it looks like with my sewing stuff
It started with a square which was quilted with the corners bought in and stitched the adjacent sides. The corner triangles were then turned down and stitched with a button on all four corners. That's how best I can explain it, really. So there's storage in the main box and the little pockets made from the corners can hold small things like scissors or seam rippers, etc. I enjoyed making this and might see if I can make a few more.

I've had a go at English Paper Piecing (EPP) on Sunday on a pattern that I quite liked.  In Love Patchwork and Quilting mag in December was a Dala horse pattern and I rather liked the patchwork saddle for the horse.  The pieces are not too small, but hand piecing in the evening under artificial light weren't good for my eyes.  The stitching is ok but not brilliant and I haven't attempted the curved pieces that surround the edge yet.

Oops that owl is upside down! Not sure where I'm going to use this patchwork, but I'll think of something.

I went out on Sunday with friends to Pauline's Patchwork in Poundbury near Dorchester, a nice trip out there. I'd already signed up for one workshop at the end of May, but I've signed up for another in September.  Blimey, talk about wishing my life away.


  1. Oooh, I'd forgotten that basket, I made one but never revisited - thanks for the reminder xx

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