31 January 2021

A January Furtle

 I survived this month’s lockdown and staying at home with mostly knitting and crochet with a bit of sewing here and there. I caught up with finishing a couple of knitting WIPs which I’m pleased about and made another pair of socks.

Here’s my purple cardigan which was left with the sleeves sewn in and the buttonhole band done.  I cracked on the end of the week before last sewing up the rest of the cardigan and the button band so it was finished last Sunday.  It even has buttons as they were bought before the previous lockdown.

Another finish on my list, just finished yesterday morning is this pink cardigan.  I made this for one of my older granddaughters when she was 5 and she is now getting on for 12 years old!  Fortunately I have 2 younger granddaughters so one of them can fit into it later.  

I think I got fed up with all those flowers as there should have been some on the sleeves but I just did rows  of colour stripes instead.  Only the right front needed to be finished and after the purple cardigan I was on a roll and figured out where I was with the patterning and the snapping of the neckline.  The button band is in moss stitch and starts from the buttonhole side and goes around the neck and down the left front and took a while just knitting on 7 stitches.  Of course there is nowhere open to get buttons, so I dived into my button box to get odd contrasting button instead and they look good.  I have no idea what the yarn is, it’s just acrylic yarn and the pattern was from a Woman’s Weekly knitting magazine.

Oh yes, a pair of socks. I repurposed some Stylecraft Head Over Heels yarn from a pair of toe up socks that didn’t work out and made these. 

They are Easy Cable Socks, a free pattern from Winwick Mum.  Can never have too many socks šŸ§¦.

One the sewing front I was digging through my scrap box and made some strips similar to what I made in 2019 when I had 4 blocks left over from that scrappy quilt.  But I have more blocks left after putting this top together than when I started - argghhhh! So a choice now whether I add to this top or make more to do another - decisions, decisions....

I also made a couple of blocks for this month’s Bee Mama for Sibling Together, but I didn’t take any photos (I thought I had) so I can’t show those here.

I also put the finishing touches to the Sew 4 the Soul book, which I’ve written about here , so pop over and take a look. 

The local West Country Embroiderers group does Zoom meeting once a month with a small project emailed beforehand and a demonstration in the meeting.  This month it was through the trees, using scraps of fabrics onto a stabiliser, like Stitch and Tear and adding free machine to the background and then onto the trees. Here is mine, which I mounted onto black felt, which I think gave it good frame.  I really enjoyed making this little piece.

I’ve sporadically (that’s a big word!) taken part in the 30 day Sketchbook Challenge, this month.  I don’t think it will be a regular habit, but I have enjoyed drawing, colouring and some painting too with the bits and bobs of pencils, pens and paints that I have.  It has been fun but I lost it towards the end, but the prompts have been something to look forward to each day. Here are just a few of my pictures.

Let’s see how February goes. I’m hoping for a bit more stitching, knitting and crochet.  I don’t think there’ll be much out and abouting. I’ve got a new book and will start with some helical knitting.  That’ll be interesting.  

Joining in with Mini Archie’s Furtle Around the Blogosphere.

Archie The Wonder Dog

22 January 2021

A January Finish

 Since my post earlier this month about finishes this year. I now have something that I now consider finished.  My Sew 4 the Soul Book, which was started in June last year as a project inspired by Anne Brookes of Hannemade, who is a textile artist and teacher.  This year’s project is 52 tags, but I have decided to sit this one out as I have other things to work on, but I still enjoy her demonstrations on You Tube. The fabrics used in the book were sewn onto wadding pages which used up my scrappy pieces.  I used various pieces of African fabrics, hand dyed and hand painted fabrics all of which were in my stash, as well as button, beads, and ribbons, so no new items were bought for this

Here it is.

This is the cover, which is made from two pieces of African print fabric, some of which also features inside the book. Some sari ribbon on the top and bottom edges and alphabet beads to spell out Sew the soul, with number 4 being embroidered in. 

And the back.

The first 2 pages 

Circles and squares with straight lines.I used a printed fern to do reverse appliquĆ© and added some straight stitches in a grid pattern, a square piece with straight stitch stars.  The next page had square of yellow and blue fabrics and I whip stitched the running stitch surrounding blue square. The circle cut out from the first page was appliquĆ©d along with a Suffolk Puff.

Pages 3 and 4 were crosses and kisses. Page 3 I used a hand printed fabric and added cross stitches to the background and French knots to the flower centres. I coloured the petals with watercolour pencils.  The fourth page has a pocket made from hand printed fabric with ribbon yarn for the cross and lace with crosses in the flower centres. The background fabric also had crosses stitched. I made a linen tag to go in the pocket.

Pages 5 and 6 was strips and Suffolk Puffs. I used strips of silk fabric and some organza and stitched down with various embroidery stitches.  I finished making Facemasks about this time, so I used some of the sheeting fabric that was used and the label from one of the pillowcases as a reminder.  Page 6 had French knots and Suffolk Puffs. In between the pages is a Kumihimo braid to use as a book mark, which I made at a West Country Embroiderers meeting just before the first lockdown.

The next 2 pages are fabric weaving and I used strips of different hand dyed or painted fabrics and added lace, sari ribbon, stitching and buttons to embellish.

Pages 9 and 10 This was a single piece of hand dyed fabric that I had printed quite a while ago and fitted these pages nicely.  Onto this was a cream silk strip that I embroidered onto.  The top right of page 10 had a circle cut out and with wire stitched in place was buttonhole stitched, which leads onto

Pages 11 and 12 and circles (sort of). There’s also a Chinese coin, washers, buttons, another fern print and I found a felt elephant so I put that in too.  The purple circle in the top left of page 11 is the cut out from the previous page. The blue washer on the top right of page 12 could be seen from the cut out circle on page 10. There were also seed stitches and Kantha stitch too.

Pages 13 and 14 were pockets. The background was stitched down with running stitch and has pockets, one was of the same fabric with the addition of ribbon, lace, flower trim sequins; the other with felt and lace.  The is a little book in the fabric pocket - more of that later and a heart, which was a cut out piece of free machine quilting, to which I added more hand stitching.

The last pages 15 and 16 was an ‘index’ of the fabrics used with the additions of ribbon yarn, lace and buttons.  I found a little leaf charm and that got put in too.  But there was something missing I thought and that was a bit of patchwork. I had odd bits of Grunge fabric from making my circular needles holder so that went in.  I stamped the fabric with a flower stamp and gold ink pad.

So that’s the book and now for the little book that was in the pocket of page 13. This is a mini version of the book

Top left is the cover from hand dyed felt (that was used for the pocket on page 14) edged in blanket stitch and used sari ribbon as a with African beads as a tie.  Page 1 (top right) had squares and a strip and edged with lace, page 2 has squares of fabric with buttons and feather stitch. Page 3 (bottom left) has a button with Pistil stitch to look like flower petals and page 4 has couches threads on a sparkly net.  Page 5 (bottom right) has a teeny tiny pocket with a felt tag with alphabet buttons and the last page with lace and the added touch of a dragonfly button.

This project was a joy to make over the latter half of last year.  A chance to dig in to the more unusual fabrics threads and other materials in my stash and just stitch away.  The book is lovely and squishy and very tactile. It’s a good reminder of the strange times of 2020. I can’t resist these photos of the ends of the pages so here they are.

17 January 2021

A Blast from the Past

 Though not that long ago in the past -  2015 and 2016 in fact.  I host the weekly Knit and Natter group from my craft room and behind me is a wall hanging that I made in October 2015.  It was made at a workshop at Pauline’s Patchwork in Dorchester, tutored by Kathryn Chambers. My blog post about it is here 

I will get this down from to show a close up of this hanging for the next Knit and Natter chat, however I knew I made a blue version in A4 size, which was part of a Journal quilt challenge back in 2015 during a brief time when I was a member of the Contemporary Quilt subgroup of the Quilters’ Guild.

Now I had a label on this mini quilt, such was my enthusiasm at the time but none of the remaining 11 mini quilts had labels and I spent a bit of time trying to find out when I made each one! 

This is definitely February, featuring the puffed hearts.

These are of indeterminate dates, but one was a sticks and stones pattern with black, white and one colour being purple.  The one on the right is ribbon weaving  using sari silk strips (you can get skeins of silk ribbon along with decorative machine stitches.

Above are a couple of yellow themed quilts. The left is another one that I can’t date, but it is a sew and flip method with some selvedges  and a bit of lace sewn in. I used the bagging out method of finishing.  One the right which I think was made in May used left over pieces from the Dazzling Diamonds quilt that I made that year onto which I inserted and appliquĆ©d circles which again were fabric scraps from the same quilt. This was finished with bringing the excess fabric from the back being brought over to the front.

The next two were made June and July, probably.  Left is an Improv log cabin style with dense stitching and edged just with zigzag.  Right is curved pieced with wavy quilt stitching, couched threads and sequins.

The one on the left is possibly September and is another Improv style Drunkards Path and this had a facing finish on the back.  I’m not sure of the one on the right but it looks like a ‘Chop and Go’ technique finished with zigzag.

The one on the left I did write about and it’s based on Gillian Travis’ book of Interchange AppliquĆ© and M&S selling multicoloured carrots at the time.  On the right is the free form tree technique by Helen Howes.  

That makes the 12 mini journal quilts I made that year and they are a useful size if wanting to try something new.  I tried a variety of techniques, quilting styles and finishes.  But one thing I didn’t do and should have done is making labels!! I sometimes recorded them on the blog, so if you look through the 2016 entries you may see them dotted around, but not all of them.  I did put pictures on the Contemporary Quilters’ Yahoo Group, however the groups facility on Yahoo ended 2 or 3 years ago.

But before I finish this post I have a couple more mini quilts to show.

In the same bag were these two.  On the left is a recent one in 2019 and was based on a design by Jo Avery, which I had a go at myself, which I called Instant Karma. No label as such as the fabric was plain enough to write on.  On the right I made a smaller version to try out the technique that I used for the February quilt above. 

If you like the backs of quilts and seeing the stitches - here’s the back of the piece above
Looking back at the post for the first quilt here is the stitching on the back before being covered up by backing fabric.

It was good to unearth these little treasures and I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

09 January 2021

The New

 A New Year shouldn’t just be about finishing the old stuff from last year or the year before.  Each January there are resolutions and thoughts about the year ahead,  not to buy more stuff, making use of what we have or even actually getting around to something we’ve wanted to do for some time.  So it’s time for some new things.

A big thing I’ve bought myself is an Apple Watch. I’ve been looking at various fitness/smart watches for some time now and all had their pros and cons and looking at reviews about them as well.  I got an SE version which connects up with my phone easily.  I want to improve on my fitness levels and I think it will suit me.  One funny thing though is when I’m sitting and knitting it thinks that I’m exercising and congratulates me on a fitness goal achieved!  I’ve had it for nearly a week now and I’m still getting to know what it does, so I’m still at the ‘playing’ stage.

Having finished a pair of socks from recycled yarn last month, I’m making another pair using yarn I’ve frogged from another pair.  These are the Easy Cable socks pattern by Winwick Mum and I’ve made this pattern before last year with some Giddy Aunt Yarn.

By chance I happen to be wearing those socks this morning.

Anyway, I’m knitting these socks in Stylecraft Head Over Heels in Eiger colourway.  I’m starting on the yarn that I had left over from knitting a previous pair in that yarn.  I wasn’t happy with those socks so I frogged (undid) the yarn and will repurpose this.  

Something new I’m trying, is 30 Day Sketchbook Challenge run by Susan Yeates and is on Facebook with a prompt each day of a different subject to sketch, paint, colour and I’m trying to keep it up each day.  Here’s what I’ve done so far.

Today’s is something made of wood, that will have to have a think.  Mines all pretty amateurish but I am enjoying the process of studying and drawing.

Although lockdown is a bind and the winter weather means we’re indoors more it does give a chance to try something different.  I hope you’ve been able to try something new alongside the old stuff.

06 January 2021

The Old...

 I’ve recently put a couple of small lists onto Instagram linking with @finishalong some unfinished items that I hope to finish this year.  They were on the list from last year, but as we are another lockdown perhaps it’s a chance to crack on and get going on these projects.

Above are quilting projects and below, knitting projects

These look familiar- from top left clockwise the Kingfisher quilt, Tubix Quilt, Sew 4 the Soul book and black/orange quilt.

And a couple of knitting projects.  The purple one needs a button band and sewing up and the pink cardigan needs one of the fronts finishing to sewing up.  None of these are difficult jobs, but just needs the time dedicated to them.

I am pleased to say that I have finished the Sew 4 The Soul book on Sunday and emptied out the project pouch of the threads, ribbons, buttons and other bits and pieces so I will tick it off the list.  I will put a post on later this month about the book.

This year I am going to try not to be diverted by new projects and using as much of my existing stash as I can. Wonder if I can do this? 

02 January 2021

December Furtle in January

 A bit late with this post but I have been catching up with things over the past few days and trying to finish things off and think about projects for the New Year.  

During last month I decided to post a picture of my handmade Christmas decorations as a daily Advent project on Instagram and I did wonder if I had enough items for all 24 days and I did! Just about, I might add, couldn’t have stretch that out any longer!

Here’s just a few pics

Day 5 - a little bear, pattern by Little Cotton Rabbits

Day 10 - was a Christmas Mandala from a Little Box of  Crochet kit from 2 years ago

Anyway, I’ve been furtling away on a pair of fingerless gloves while David was out at work, so he had no idea I was making these.  Made in West Yorkshire Spinners bird themed yarn, this one was Blue Tit and although self striping I managed to get the fingers and thumbs to match.

I was a bit of a numpty, no sorry, hurry, to get a Christmas present done that I forgot to take a photo, but I made my sister fingerless gloves and a hat, for those winter dog walks.  I have plenty of yarn to make a cowl to go with the set so I will be working on that this month.

But I have a finish of my own for December and it’s socks These are a bit shorter than my normal socks and it’s using yarn I’ve had for quite some time.  Way back in the beginning of my sock journey several years ago I bought some neon yarn (by Regia, I think) and made one sock with double rib and another with single rib and later on a dropped stitch laddered, so they were a disaster.  Anyway I used the unused neon yarn along with WYS turquoise yarn for cuff, heels and toes.  The neon yarn lasted as far as the gusset of the second sock so I undid one of the legs of the old socks, washed and reused to finish the new one,  

Over the years, I have found the needle size and number of stitches that make a sock that’s suitable for me and these will be a better fit than the old socks anyhow.

One temptation I gave into earlier this month was a kit from Lucy Locketland for some lovely crochet fairy lights and got this in the bright colours in a dinky little box.  Looked too sweet to dig into but I soon made a few. It does need some concentration but now I’ve got another 11 months to get more fairy lights done.

Another little bit of crochet I started on New Years Eve is a little shawl for Daisy the Herdwick.  I’m using a couple of mini skeins from Cuddlebums in two delicate shades, one of which is used already.

Keeping busy sorting out my scrap box which was getting quite full I found some blocks that I made for the Scrapbusting Sew Along by Sugar Bowl Crafts from 2019.  Last year I made a quilt for Project Linus and had 5 blocks left.  So I made 4 more

 And with blocks that I already had, laid out on the floor.

I’ve got more strips to join so I’ll keep going.

I’ve been and listed my Finish a Long list, not very long but things that must get finished because they were on the list from last year (oh dear!)

I’m linking this post with Mini Archie’s December Furtle Around the Blogosphere and look forward to more Furtling this year.