02 April 2022

Its like Buses!

 I don't blog for a while then two come along in the same day!!  In fairness, I did start the last blog post yesterday and finished off today.  I thought I'd post about a day out to Brooklands Museum, where we went on Wednesday.  There is currently a series called Secrets of the Transport Museum that is shown on the Yesterday channel.  David and I went with our friend.

The site was originally owned by Hugh and Ethel Locke-King who proceeded to build a large racing track (most of which you can see today, but only a short part of it can be used) and was used for the early days of motor racing at the beginning of 20th century.  Aeroplane manufacturer Vickers took over the land and built a factory for making planes during the First World War.  There is more about the history here.  In hall there are historical artefacts to do with aeroplane manufacture including some sewing machines, made by Vickers to make the canvas for early planes.

There were buildings dedicated to racing cars, bicycles and motorbikes as well as planes. 
I was interested in this pattern on one of the cars
This one above was James Hunt's car 
I can't remember who drove this one, but in a few short years the shape of the cars changed quite a bit.

I was fascinated by the trophies awarded to racers, some of them were really large and must have taken some lifting and how the winners found anywhere to put them, I don't know, but some were really impressive.  This one pictured was at least 3' tall!

Then it was the buses, this is what David really wanted to see - the London Bus Museum.  Both of us having grown up on the outskirts of London, we were quite familiar with Routemasters, and single decker RF buses with London and London Country liveries.  I remember taking one of these single deck buses from Slough to Heathrow Airport when I worked in the hotels as a teenager.

And I couldn't not take a Routemaster bus picture
We had some time outside to see the planes, one of which was one of the Concordes.

Lastly we went into the Maclaren exhibition hall, but I was only interested in taking a photo of the Lego version

It did say how many bricks it took, but I didn't take much notice, its probably a lot!

It was a good day out and a place we've been meaning to go to for ages now done.

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