15 April 2022

My Stitch Book

 I really liked making my Sew 4 the Soul book from 2020, which I posted about here, that I wanted to make another stitching book.  Taking the previous book’s construction I used this method again of joining signatures (pages) together and joining at the ‘spine’ with blanket stitch.  The signatures are made from joined pieces of wadding as I keep wadding scraps and will sew into larger pieces.

I was originally going to follow Roxy’s Creations themes for a Book of Stichery each month and the first month (January) was lace and bouncing bunnies.  Roxy’s  Creations, however, use an old book cover ans adding fabric pages onto paper pages.  Well I do have the bunnies on that set of pages but I seemed to have settled on a colour theme of pink and is raw edge pieced.  I then decided I would have a colour theme for each page set with different technique and it would set my own boundaries. Thanks to my friend Brenda for the wooden pink rabbit on the last hand side.

My second set has a neutral colour whites/creams with kantha stitching and will have flower appliqué, which is currently pinned on at present.  

The third set are green fabrics sewn in with stitch and flip technique, with the addition of selvedges. I’m considering whether to stitch leaves on this one.

The fourth page used hexagons in blue, most of which were part of the 100 hexies 100 days project of 2018.  Included in this were hexagons from a piece of ombré rainbow fabric.  Unfortunately I had to cut off the bottom row to fit the pages. I’d also decided to go from dark to light across the page.

There are more pages to add fabrics to and they are from my scrap box mainly but I don’t mind taking from my stash.  I’m not using new items, just using what I have and I have plenty of fabric and thread.  The only new thing bought has been this lovely magnetic needle minder, purchased at the WCE Dorset Day.

To all these pages there will be embroidery stitches and embellishments to be added, which I can go back to whenever I want.  I’ve got an assortment of buttons, sequins and other bits and bobs to add.  

So this will be a slow project in between other makings and I expect it to take about a year and is proving to be a relaxing and enjoyable piece of sewing. 


  1. It looks like a lot of fun x

  2. I love Roxy's Creations cloth book pages . I wanted to do one but just couldn't get started . I am following on facebook and youtube though. It is lovely to see everyone's creations and I absolutely love yours ! 🌸🐇

  3. p.s. I love your needle-minder !


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