29 June 2024

End of June

 What an eventful month it has been. With an injured knee (still recovering but a lot better), Covid, family hospital visits last weekend (all is well now) and granddaughter’s birthday party it’s been a busy month.  It’s amazing I got a finished quilt (mainly due to being at home a lot) but a lot of little bits have been made.  Here’s the purple quilt.

The front

And the back.  I wrote more about the quilt here.  It doesn’t have a home yet.

Also being at home I got on with making a cover for my stitch book, which is to be more of a wrap.  I had a lot of low volume fabric hexagons, to which I added more until I got the size I wanted. I added narrow strips of fabric top and bottom so I didn’t have those awkward bits to cut off. With wadding and lining I quilted with big running stitches of perle thread.  So that’s another little finish.

The outside 
The inside

Wrapped around the book.

I follow a You Tube Mousiemakes and enjoy seeing Helen’s work and she invited people to make a mouse, so I made a very basic one in amigurumi crochet with instructions from another You Tuber Yarnhild, who had several crochet tutorials.  I made this little mouse from some Ricorumi cotton I have in my stash.

Another quick and easy project is this washcloth which is a dishcloth pattern from Garlene of the Kitchen SinkWorkshop as part of her Year of Dishcloths this month. Using the King Cole Cottonsoft yarn with little pops of colour it makes a lovely delicate and soft cloth, lovely to wash oneself with rather than washing the dishes. It was a handy project to take to the knit and natter group this week.

And I must be in the mood for finishing things off as the past couple of  days I’ve been working on an embroidery design by EmBeaRoidery (her shop is on Etsy) of my star sign, Sagittarius.  I had left it for a while but decided to pick it up again to sew the little stars and moons inside the arrow.  I’ll now have to think how I frame it, but it was a lovely design to work on.  This was a pdf pattern that I purchased and used fabric and thread that I had already but she also sells kits.

I’ve made three cards (one I’ve sent already to my daughter in law before I took a photo), below is a swing cards by cutting part of a rectangle one one side of the cards and another of the other side. Easier to show than explain!  This was with the Hotchpotch craft group.

Then with the TG internet group I made another card 

Finally this is my ATC for this month ‘My Favourite Holiday” so I chose the Netherlands and used pictures from Keukenhof  alon with a windmill.

I nearly forgot.  This month some weight disappeared.  Each time I go to my local Slimming World I think I haven’t lost much but I have been losing quite a bit, 2lbs in each of the last 2 weeks.  Week before last I received Slimmer of the Week award, which totally surprised me. Then this week I received my 1stone (14lbs) certificate.  I hope to lose at least another stone, but it’s going well so far.

So that was June.  In July we’re going away for a few days next week to Kent so will share that in another post.

Joining in with Mini Archie’s June Furtle Around the Blogosphere here

Archie The Wonder Dog


  1. A finished quilt! And a marvellous one at that! Plus a gorgeous book cover, a really cute mouse and many more besides, that really is a lot for a month, especially when you’ve also had a busy month of life too! I have to say that I love your tablecloth, it’s lovely and summery. Hooray for finishes *waves pompoms* and thanks for Furtling!

  2. What a lovely progress month. So many lovely things! Well done.


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