24 June 2024

On the Up

 Covid has at last gone, but I still have the dodgy knee which may take some time to heal. I’m doing some daily exercise but still on the Ibuprofen, but is more flexible now.  After 4 weeks I took my car for a short drive and all seems to be well apart from the getting in and out. But if I sit in the seat and swing my legs round that will help. So I’m on the up, things are getting better.

I am on the home straight with David’s cardigan and started to sew together today in order than I can start picking up stitches for the front button/buttonhold bands.  It’s good to see the end in sight.

I’ve been hand sewing a hexagon panel which will be a wrap for my stitch book. After the hexagons were sewn on I layered up with scrap wadding piece and some white print fabric underneath. Now I must do some stitching in my stitch book, which has been neglected of late.

As you will know I do not make cards, but recently I made 2 last week and another this week.  One of them is wining its way to my daughter in law, whose birthday is on Wednesday.  So it’s a pic of the second one here. It’s called a swing card and by cutting the rectangle and folding, there’s space to put greeting on the front and message on the back. It does need a bit more decoration though.

Through TG I join the creative crafters Zoom meeting and made a gate fold card with panels in the middle and on the outside. The demonstrator, Jan, used Christmas themed papers, but I’m not ready to embrace Christmas yet.  So I used some floral papers from a small pad from The Works. the butterfly stamp was an addition. That came from a recent magazine. 

I’ve also made the ATC for this month o the theme of favourite holiday.  I used the image of Keukenhof from our recent river cruise brochure together with a windmill from a KLM serviette decoupaged on the bottom left corner.  We’ve enjoyed previous visits to the Netherlands over the years, going to Maastricht, Venlo and Amsterdam.  We’re thinking of going back to the area around Enkhuizen, which we visited briefly while we were on the cruise.  So The Netherlands came to mind for this subject.

Last weekend we managed a trip out to the East Somerset Railway, mainly for the drive, but we did get a train ride, David got to see the signal box (which hasn’t got the levers in yet) and the engine shed, while I too, in the sunshine and fresh air.  After Covid and other stuff it was good to get out for the day.

Cranmore is a pretty station, but the journey just goes to the middle of nowhere and back again. It was really pleasant, nonetheless. 

So on the up and looking forward to a few days away at the beginning of July.

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