17 September 2024


 I have lived with fluctuation of my weight for most of my adult life and as such I have been on diets to try and shift it. My latest diet is with my local Slimming World group as I need to have some encouragement to do this. 

I decided on this before going away on the river cruise holiday in April and joined afterwards. I had been diagnosed as pre-diabetic during lockdown and because of that I had the diabetic program online, which wasn’t the same as in person and my weight had slowly and steadily increased to a point where I wasn’t comfortable.

Anyway that said getting into the swing of the diet, which is described as Food Optimising.  In a few weeks I lost half a stone. I was really pleased.

By the end of June I had another certificate, this time 1 stone loss (14 pounds).

  The loss is slowing but last week I managed to reach a loss of 1.5 stone (21 pounds). Not only that I was Slimmer of the Week for consistent weight loss so I was well pleased 

I’m not big on exercise, but I do go for a daily walk.  It has helped that I’m focusing of eating more healthily, not that I ate too much of the wrong stuff and have mostly cut out alcohol.  We usually had at least one bottle of wine at the weekends, then it became two so feel better by cutting out completely.

My aim is to lose a total of just over 2 stone, so I’m doing quite well.  We’re due to go on holiday next week so see how it goes.  

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