20 January 2014

Long Time No Post

Hadn't meant to leave it this long, but its amazing how time runs away, so a bit of a catch up.  First of all thank you to those who commented on my last post and thoughts on my blogging anniversary.

Friday before last I went to sewing class where we made some silk paper for a landscape which will be worked on in further classes.  I had found a photo to work from and had that photocopied enlarged from A4 to A3 size, which was one I took from our Cornwall holiday back in September.

As you can see a lot of green and blue and hiding just to the left of the dark blue is some grey which will give me the basis of the landscape.  Lets see how it goes....

Saturday saw my Mum and I going to Cherry Tree Fabrics (local Quilt shop) for sale bargains in which we both bought quite a bit of fabric (not that I needed it of course).  Low key stuff for me, tone-on-tone black and also white fabric, some yellows (haven't got much yellow in my stash) and some plain aqua fabrics.

This last Friday was my first 'free' Friday off, nothing planned, so went into Poole and saw this in Primark
Rather liked this postcard tea towel and at just a £1 it was asking to be bought.  I thought it was appropriate with my postcard making.  Back home in the afternoon I did some sewing and made this
Not quite a postcard but a holder for coupons. They usually get hidden in my purse and by the time they are found are usually expired.  Made like a postcard, i.e. front and back fabrics are bonded onto pelmet Vilene and another smaller piece in front made in the same way and stitched together to form a pocket. Above is the front,
 The back
And with coupons

I made another for a Mug Rug swap that I've joined. This will go to the recipient as a little something extra.

This is the swap I'll be taking part in.  I've made one already!

 Olympic Mug Rug Swap

So I've not been idle!

1 comment:

  1. The landscape looks a great choice, and the coupon purse is a fab idea x


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