05 January 2020

Late December Furtling

Now 5 days into the New Year (Happy New Year, by the way) and I've come late to Mini Archie's Furtle Around the Blogosphere party due to a virus thingy on New Year's Day which had me feeling headache-y, aching all over and feeling very tired.  The day after disappeared as I slept through most of it!  Getting back to some semblance of normality (whatever that is!) now and catching up with things.

December was a busy month socially with Christmas coming up and also getting presents ready.  We have been stumped by what to get some members of the family but got there in the end.  I have been doing some making too.

I knitted a cardigan for my youngest granddaughter, Cecily, to go with a pinafore dress/top/leggings outfit that I bought.  The pinafore, which I wished I'd taken a photo of, had furry pockets one of which had a little cloth cat that was attached to it.  Although the cardigan is mainly pink with other colours merged in it doesn't look too girly.  The yarn is a King Cole Baby Comfort one and the pattern is a really old one in my stash.

But what I was give her was this

I had almost a ball of sparkle white yarn left from Flo's cardigan, made back in October so enough to make Cecily one.  However when I washed it, along with some other hand washing some pink migrated from another jumper I was washing.  I could hardly give that as a present but will give that to her mum later as a 'messing about' cardigan.

I started a pair of socks (for me) at the beginning of December as some car knitting for our trip to Exeter and posted on Instagram with "will I get them done for Christmas?" and I did just. So here's a 'sockfie'.

I used Giddy Aunt's yarn colour way 'Ooh La La' with Stellina and the pattern is Winwick Mum's Easy Cable Socks .  I can't say it was easy counting the rows, even though I was moving a stitch marker up the sock for each cable pattern repeat but I am really pleased how they look.

Another present made was for another granddaughter, Isobel.  It was tricky knowing what to get her as she is getting older so a trip to Claire's Accessories for little bits and bobs that she likes and I made her a small messenger bag to put the little things in.  She is a pink girl (at the moment!) so I knew this would go down well.

Having made two bags this year I'm building up my bag making skills so there may be more bags to come in 2020.

I said it has been a social month as I had a trip to Bath Xmas Market at the beginning of the month, followed by a few days away in Exeter (and a Christmas Market there too!).  I have 3 Christmas dinners (on separate occasions, not all at once!) and also visited Bournemouth's Christmas Tree Festival too, so a lot of out and about-ing.  One of the Christmas dinners was with the Bourne Quilters and instead of cards I gave out some Christmas coasters.

I have accumulated quite a few Christmas fabrics and it only took an afternoon to get these done. They are folded squares that are woven into each other and sewn onto a scrap square and background.

I started a Christmas Eve Cast On for which I started a new cardigan for me.

Progress so far at today is that I've finished the back and now on to the left front and a second ball of wool.

Between Christmas and New Year I made progress on my Luna Lapin and she was finished on New Year's Eve.

 But she's not dressed!
That's better, she has some knickers!

And now she has a dress

So that has been my Furtle in December.  I've got to catch up with a few things on the blog so expect a few posts over the next few days.

Archie The Wonder Dog

1 comment:

  1. What a busy December you had! I'm sorry you've been poorly and I'm also sorry about the white cardi - would dyeing it a different colour help? Or maybe a wash with some Vanish? I love those cable socks and am relieved you put some knickers on Luna before Mini Archie saw her all rudey nudey dudey! Thanks for furtling and spreading the word x


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